Juda & Sarah's Sauces Homemade

For generations both our families have traditionally planted gardens. For many Asian immigrants and refugees all over the United States, it’s a way of preserving one’s culture and growing food we don’t often see in larger grocery chains. Throughout the season our family would share their produce with others in their community from their own backyards. Being able to cook familiar dishes is an act of cultural preservation.
At the end of the season we both would end up with multiple quart size freezer bags full of different chilis gifted to us from every home they visited during the holidays. In 2012, we weren't able to fit the peppers in our freezer. This dilemma provoked a childhood memory of Sarah's beloved mother making hot sauce with the last harvest of their backyard garden. That memory fueled the creation of our first batch, for the following years we would continue to create hot sauce to gift during the holidays or a special occasion. As family and friends started sharing the sauce with others, the popularity grew to create J&S' Sauces Homemade. 
Our mission is to take your tastebuds to a whole new heat level. Taking your meal to the next level, enhance your favorite foods, and create exciting new flavor combinations. Our products are a perfect addition to nearly any meal.